Sometimes I work so hard, I just don't know what I am doing and often I will loose sight of where I am going.... The people around me become white noise and nothing makes sense anymore. The voices in my head are pulling at me, and I begin to tire. Who am I? Where am I going? How can I make a difference and be that leader for tomorrow? This photo is the exact symbol of how I used to feel each week and as the days became longer, so did the grey hairs! Sounds all too familiar and more common than what you think. Over analysing about the future is what I perceive as being lost or delayed on the path to success.

Jungle Sistas mentoring program will allow you to gain an in depth understanding of these challenging and competitive fields. It will help you develop the necessary skills and personal attributes to give you the confidence to take the next steps into an exciting future. The main focus of this specialized mentoring program will be using examples from endangered wildlife conservation and community development programs developed in remote Indonesia. My vision as a mentor is to increase the number of women working in conservation to become part of a brighter future for our planet. So now you don't have to struggle and you can find a trusted SISTA in the way you move forward. We all have life lessons and I am excited to be your rock as you develop into an incredibly strong and empowering leader. Find your happiness and believe in yourself. NOTHING is impossible.